Thursday, September 26, 2013


Travel... It is something that almost everyone dreams about doing. 
There is nothing more amazing than seeing the world and all it's beauty. 
It opens up your eyes to what really matters and what life truly means to you.

Since i left school a whole 7 years ago (wowee!) i have watched my friends and family follow their dreams and go on amazing adventures travelling around the world to 
beautiful places like India, Canada, New York, Bali, New Zealand, and the list goes on...
I always planned on travelling and i still do but instead of backpacking or partying it
will be more of a family occasion with a little boy by my side.

Although this is not how originally saw my travelling adventures i am excited about
experiencing it with Ellis and being able to show him different cultures and ways of life
and the beauty around us. I think it is so important (if you can) to do this so they have gratitude
and respect for their home, life and people around them.

My list is only getting longer and i cannot wait for the adventures to come...

India wanderlust

New Zealand
New Zealand wanderlust

Venice wanderlust


Germany wanderlust

Africa wanderlust

and of course...
Great barrier reef wanderlust

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Style Icons

Style Crushes

N I C O L E   R I C H I E 

Nicole Richie boho

Nicole Richie boho glam

Nicole Richie fashion

V A N E S S A   H U D G E N S

Vanessa Hudgens boho style

Vanessa Hudgens festival style

M I R A N D A   K E R R 

miranda kerr style

S I E N N A   M I L L E R 

sienna miller boho

E R I N   W A S S O N 

erin wasson boho style

Saturday, September 14, 2013


As the sun starts to peek out from behind the clouds and the flowers start to bloom
i start to feel the warm up to summer, aaah summer i can't wait for you!
I have been busy writing down my goals, my inspiration/vision board is looking 
full of fun and possibilities...

Winter has come and gone and as much as i liked my slouchy knits and big cozy
socks i am glad to see the end of it. I am now able to get outside and explore the 
world with Ellis. Children thrive outside, Ellis is definitely most happy when he
is one with nature with dirt or sand from head to toe. He is free, feeling the sun's 
warm sun rays and smelling the crisp fresh air. 

When the sun is shining we feel a sense of positivity and it is as if the sun is inviting 
us to play with it and be adventurous. The ocean's sparkling water and the sound of the 
crashing waves are like a form of hypnosis telling you to enter it. And as you
do you feel a sense of freedom and accomplishment. 

Do more of what makes ME feel good. Yoga - Reap the benefits (physically and mentally),
Music - Feel the vibes, Vegetables - Fuel the body, Sleep - Recharge, Read - Relax,
Water - Hydrate


Music Girl


Green Vegetables

I need sleep

Read more books

Drink more water

Spring Essentials

O N E  T E A S P O O N 

One teaspoon essentials

K A R I B U  B O U T I Q U E

Spring fashion trends

Spring fashion essentials

A R N H E M  C L O T H I N G 

Arnhem beach dress