Friday, October 25, 2013

Inner Hippy

Some days i dream of living in a commune, holding hands in a circle, living in a combie with daisies in my hair. To live simply is beautiful. I believe that in today's society we have too much, that we are polluting the world with too much "stuff." Lately i have been trying to get back to basics, spending many hours outside amongst nature, feeling the warmth on my skin.

hands in the air

free dance

daisy chains

sun and the sea


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Days like these

It's days like these that i wonder how i got so lucky. How did i end up the mother of such an amazing little soul? He surprises us everyday with his growing personality and puts us into a trance where we just watch him until we realise we have been staring at him for half an hour not saying a word to each other.

Lately my head has been buried in text books but the past two weeks we have created some beautiful memories of our little munchkin. To see that beautiful smile and hear his infectious giggle is so beautiful, even on your worst day it brightens your mood and lifts your spirits.

ellis at the beach

beach cuddles

buried in sand

beach walks

wa sunset